Home » Radish



Plant characteristics

Plant Type:

  • Vegetables
  • Annual

Sunlight Requirements (where to plant related to sun)

  • Full Sun
  • Full Sun or Partially Shade

Soil Type (type of soil plant needs)

  • Soil with Good Drainage
  • Soil with Drainage but Wet

Climate Type (how tollerant is to frost?)

  • No Frost Tolerant

Fragrant Plant (do flowers have an aroma?)

  • No Fragrant Flowers

Difficulty Level (how hard is to cultivate this plant?)

  • Easy

Flower Color (what color flowers produces)

  • White

Showing Season (which months can we sow seeds)

  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July

Planting Season (which months can we plant or transplant)

  • May
  • June
  • July

How to grow Radishes

Radish is a bulb (fleshy root) that does not need much water and is ready for harvesting only 1 to 1.5 months after sowing.

Other names for radish

English name: Radish
Greek name: Ραπανάκι (single), Ραπανάκια (plural)

Tips for growing radishes

Start radishes from seeds

Radishes are sown by seed. The seeds grow quickly and you will soon have lots of radishes.

The secret is to sow the seeds at a distance so that when the plants start to grow and develop a bulb (the part of radish you will eat), they don’t compete with each other. Only then will you have large and healthy radishes.

Best soil for radishes

Radishes are very easy to grow vegetables and that is why they are chosen by many. More specifically, they don’t particularly need a lot of nutrients. However, make sure that there is not too much nitrogen, as a lot of leaves will be produced rather than bulbs.

Harvesting radishes

Harvesting will be done depending on the time past from sowing season (usually 1 to 1.5 months after sowing). Just pull the radish from the soil. Cut leaves and enjoy. In Greece they are usually served as mezes with ouzo, tsikoudia, raki.

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