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May-June. Gardening Calendar


May-June works in the Garden. Spring is ending and we are entering the first month of summer. The garden is in one of its most productive phases. We have a lot of work to do!

Vegetable Garden


Trees, shrubs and climbers

  • Remove flowers that have ripened and finished flowering as well as dead branches
  • For shaped shrubs and hedges we will need to trim to maintain their shape
  • Remove stragglers and ‘greedy’ shoots
  • Renew the ties of the plants to their supports
  • We start to take measures to save water

Perennial herbaceous plants

  • Regularly cut off damaged leaves
  • Replant immediately, after flowering is over, to speed up the next flowering
  • Digging
  • We prune (chrysanthemums, sinensis, minarets, etc.)
  • Planting aromatic plants

Seasonal and Bulbous

  • On bulbs whose flowering is over, cut off the dried flowers with their stems but not the leaves
  • Continue watering as normal
  • Plant
  • Sow
  • Support
  • Cultivate

Turf, sod

  • We adjust the frequency and quantity of watering for summer conditions
  • Watering. Should be done in the early morning or late afternoon
  • Mow regularly and not too low
  • We can aerate the soil
  • We regularly clear weeds either with herbicides applied locally or by hoeing and weeding, which is preferable
  • If we wish to install new turf, we can sow only the thermophilic species, or we can install a ready-made turf


  • Water
  • Fertilize
  • We clean
  • Spray with water
  • Propagate with cuttings
  • Plant in the garden
  • Check for pest and disease infestations


  • Water and hoe regularly
  • On apple and pear trees, thin out the fruit when it becomes the size of a walnut
  • Fertilize
  • Remove offshoots and ‘greedy’ shoots

Ecological gardening

  • We use kitchen and garden waste for compost

Acidophilous plants

  • Spray the leaves with clean (rain or deionised) water
  • We administer iron (shavings, nails, special preparations)
  • Multiply the gardenias by grafting
  • Dilute the hydrangea flowers

Cacti and succulents

  • Water carefully
  • Fertilize


  • For palms, our main care is to remove the dry leaves
  • We transplant


  • We remove the “finished” flowers of the plants
  • Spray the leaves to get rid of insects
  • Clean the pump and filters
  • We feed the fish daily

NOTE: Please read carefully. Please read carefully. There may be variation due to microclimate or climatic changes. Please consult your agronomist.

Source: Garden & Garden Book. Garden and Veranda – Taxiarchis Andritsopoulos, Nikos Thymakis – Publications Ath. Stamoulis


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