Home » Garden Calendar » September-October. Gardening Calendar

September-October. Gardening Calendar


September-October works in the garden. In September we prepare the garden for winter sowing. It is also the time when we drill the vines. In October we take care of the vegetables we have planted. The hot summer days have given way to clouds and early rains.

Vegetable garden


  • Harvesting
  • Light watering (after harvest)
  • Shallow ploughing
  • Autumn ploughing
  • Sprinkling with copper formulations

Shrubs and climbing plants

  • Propagating shrubs and trees with cuttings
  • Propagate climbing plants with stems
  • Propagating geraniums with cuttings
  • Prune and then lightly fertilize the borders of evergreens such as ligustrum, viburnum and angelica. The same applies to topiary plants
  • Plant evergreen trees and shrubs
  • On conifers, as in the previous two months, continue spraying with a fungicide suitable for the fungus Phytophthora

Perennial herbaceous plants

  • Propagate geraniums with cuttings
  • Fertilize the chrysanthemums

Seasonal and Bulbous

  • Plant bulbs for spring flowering
  • If desired, remove summer-blooming bulbs from their place and store them


  • Aerate
  • Fertilize
  • Remove the root layer (thatch)
  • Collect the fallen leaves
  • Fill in the gaps in the lawn
  • Make the root cuts
  • Mow to a height of 3-4 cm
  • Adjust automatic watering according to the weather conditions


  • Multiply by division
  • We make the necessary transplants
  • Fill in the soil
  • We take care of plants damaged by the summer heat
  • We take measures to protect them from the first cold


  • Harvest
  • Avoid fertilising except for olives and mustard olives
  • From October we can start planting new trees in the garden or orchard

Ecological gardening

  • We use kitchen and pruning waste in the compost heap
  • Mix the compost heap

Acidophilous plants

  • We change the topsoil
  • In October we stop fertilizing the gardenias
  • We plant rhododendrons in the soil

Cacti and succulents

  • Stop fertilising and dilute watering until complete cessation in October


  • Propagate by seed
  • Prune


  • Collect the leaves
  • Preparing the plants for winter
  • Feed the fish more sparsely

NOTE: Please read carefully. Please read carefully. There may be variation due to microclimate or climatic changes. Please consult your agronomist.

Source: Garden & Garden Book. Garden and Veranda – Taxiarchis Andritsopoulos, Nikos Thymakis – Publications Ath. Stamoulis


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