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January-February. Gardening Calendar


January-February works in the Garden. The work we do in the garden in January and February.

January and February are relatively quiet months in the garden.

For more detailed information you can also see the articles:

Vegetable garden


  • At the end of January and in February, we prune the vines
  • Sprinkle after pruning
  • Winter fertilization
  • Preparing for the next important season. Make supports

Trees, shrubs and climbing trees

  • Planting bare-root fruit or ornamental plants
  • We plant bare-root roses of all types
  • We prune to increase flowering and fruiting and to give the plant a desired shape. The time of pruning depends on the climate of the area and the condition and health of the plant

Perennial herbaceous plants

  • We divide the perennial deciduous plants
  • Cutting new beds
  • Deep pruning of some species (e.g. geraniums)
  • We multiply chrysanthemums


  • We dig regularly
  • Remove dead leaves
  • Supply and store seeds and bulbs
  • Cover in case of frost

Turf, Sod

  • Remove fallen leaves
  • Reduce watering
  • Topdressing of cold-friendly grass species
  • Aerate the soil


  • We keep plants indoors and away from heaters
  • We do not remove the dry leaves from those in the garden
  • We multiply orchid species that produce bulbs


  • We prune
  • We do preventive plant protection

Ecological gardening

  • We continue the process of composting
  • We control the snail population with the help of ash

Acidophilous plants

  • Protect from the cold, especially the gardenias
  • We can transplant camellias that are in bloom, because, unlike all plants, they are dormant
  • In rhododendrons, we only remove the inflorescences, but we can prune and give the plant the desired shape and volume
  • We prune dry branches

Cacti and succulents

  • We do not fertilize
  • We do not water
  • We make sure that the area where our plants are located is well ventilated
  • We take measures to protect them from severe cold
  • Transplant in February


  • Protect from frost with plastic sheets and manure
  • Preventive application of fungicide


  • Remove leaves or litter that fall into the ponds
  • Try to avoid ice formation

NOTE: Please read carefully. Please read carefully. There may be variation due to microclimate or climate change. Please consult your agronomist.

Source: Garden & Garden Book. Garden and Veranda – Taxiarchis Andritsopoulos, Nikos Thymakis – Publications Ath. Stamoulis


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