Home » Zucchini


Κολοκύθια - Κολοκυθάκια

Plant characteristics

Plant Type:

  • Vegetables
  • Annual

Sunlight Requirements (where to plant related to sun)

  • Full Sun
  • Full Sun or Partially Shade

Soil Type (type of soil plant needs)

  • Soil with Drainage but Wet

Climate Type (how tollerant is to frost?)

  • No Frost Tolerant

Fragrant Plant (do flowers have an aroma?)

  • No Fragrant Flowers

Difficulty Level (how hard is to cultivate this plant?)

  • Easy

Flower Color (what color flowers produces)

  • Yellow

Blooming Season (which months blooms)

  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September

Showing Season (which months can we sow seeds)

  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June

Planting Season (which months can we plant or transplant)

  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July

How to grow zucchini

Zucchini is one of the easiest vegetables to grow. Zucchini come in a variety of sizes, colors and shapes.

As a rule, each plant produces a large number of zucchini.

Other names for zucchini

Latin name: Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbitaceae Family
Greek name: Κολοκυθάκι (single) Κολοκυθάκια (plural)

Zucchini should be picked when they are small. They are most delicious at this stage. Picking zucchini when they are small will encourage the zucchini to produce even more zucchini.

Also in many areas of Greece, they use and cook the zucchini blossoms. It goes without saying that if you harvest the blossoms, then the pumpkin production will be reduced.

Start zucchini from seeds

Zucchini seeds are usually sowed directly in the garden soil or field. Sow the seeds at a depth of about 1 to 2 cm. In each spot, put 3 to 4 seeds. When the seeds germinate, you will be able to keep 1 to 2 plants. Choose to keep the strongest zucchini plants.

The seeds germinate in 7 to 10 days.

Each zucchini produces many zucchinis. I would advise you not to plant too many zucchinis. 5 to 7 are usually enough for a family of four.

Distance between zucchini plants

Zucchini plants tend to spread out and take up a lot of space. Make sure that the sowing places are 50 to 60 cm apart and each row is 1 to 2 m apart.

Distance between zucchini and other plants

Zucchini plants have an influence on their environment. They affect the plants around them. That is why you should not plant them close to other plants.

Transplanting zucchini seedlings

We usually plant zucchini seedlings directly in garden. But if you want, you can start the zucchini in a nursery, 2 to 3 weeks before the last cold weather. Make sure the nursery is in a relatively warm place.

You can transfer the zucchini seedlings to the garden before the seedling develops 4 true leaves.

Best soil for zucchini

Zucchini plants prefer loose, well-drained soil. The soil should be rich in nutrients. The ideal pH of the soil should be between 5.8 and 6.8.

Zucchini irrigation

Zucchini plants need a lot of water. Make sure to water them regularly.

Avoid dropping water on the leaves. If water gets on the leaves, the chances of the plant being affected by fungal diseases increase.

Harvesting zucchini

Zucchini are most delicious when they are small. You should pick them while they are still small.

By picking the zucchini while they are still small, you are leading the zucchini to produce even more zucchini.

Keep zucchini for seed

If you decide to keep a zucchini fruit to make seed for next year, you should know that you are “sacrificing” that plant. You should not expect additional serious production from that particular zucchini plant. All the power of the plant goes to the zucchini fruit that will keep growing.

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