

Myzus persicae aphids are widespread both in greenhouses and in the fields. Direct damage to plants is usually minimal but this aphid species is a carier for nearly 200 plant viruses.

Scientific name: Aphids
Greek name: Aphids

Common organism

Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and other species.

Hosts range

The host range of Myzus persicae is very wide: potato, sugar beet, many ornamental and cabbage species.


Myzus persicae is widespread both in greenhouses and in the field. Direct damage to plants is usually minimal but this species is a vector for nearly 200 plant viruses.

Myzus persicae aphids are about 2 mm long, green and also yellow to red. The winged form is somewhat longer (3 mm) partly black and with black spots on the back side.


Symptoms caused by Myzus persicae aphids are not usually visible on tomato plants.

Cycle of infestation

Myzus persicae usually overwinters as eggs on the winter host (peach tree) but it is also possible for it to overwinter in greenhouses as an adult. The wingless form hatches from the eggs. After a few generations on the winter host, the winged form is born and moves on to the summer hosts (potatoes, sugar beet, vegetables, ornamentals, etc.). During the summer this aphid reproduces parthenogenetically. At the end of summer it moves to the winter hosts and after mating with the males the females lay their eggs on the winter host.

Treatment (with insecticides)

Many insecticides are used against Myzus persicae but it is noteworthy that virus spread in the tomato crop is hardly affected due to the non-immune mode of transmission. Since there is no direct damage to tomato plants by aphids, it is not cost effective to apply insecticides. The only exception is during the growth of transplanted plants in greenhouses.

Confidor Forte 200 SL (BAYER)
Trans-systemic insecticide for the control of mainly mycotic insects.
imidacloprid 20,6 % b/o
Auxiliary substances 80,74 % b/v

Treatment (ecological-biological)

Aphids – Treatment with vinegar
Make a solution of 20% vinegar and 80% water. Sprinkle the solution on the leaves. Be careful to avoid sun when sprinkling the solution. Repeat after 3 days.

Aphids – Rinse with water
Use pressurized water to rinse the aphids.

Aphids – Remove by hand
You can remove the aphids carefully by hand without hurting the leaves or the seedlings.


Confidor Forte 200 SL (BAYER)


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