European crane fly

European crane fly

European crane fly insects resemble large mosquitoes. They are usually found in pastures, but can also be found in various crops, e.g. cereals, legumes, beets, potatoes. Scientific name: Tipula paludosaOther name: Daddy-longlegs, Leatherjackets (larvae)Greek name: Τιπούλα Damage The damage is caused by the larvae (leatherjackets). They attack the roots and bottom of stem of plants

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Leafhoppers are found in potatoes, beets, cereals, vines, many vegetables and many other crops. Scientific name: Empoasca flavescens, Empoasca decipiens, Eupteryx atropunctataGreek name: Τζιτζικάκια The leaves have light-colored areas due to sap removal and may curl at the edges. In severe infestation the entire leaf becomes chlorotic. Some are also carriers of plant diseases, transmitting

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Beet armyworm

Beet armyworm

Beet armyworm are found on cotton, corn, potatoes, legumes, beets, vegetables, and other plants. Scientific name: Laphygma exigua, Prodenia litura, Spodoptera lituraOther name: Tobacco cutworm, Cotton leafwormGreek name: Σποντόπτερα (Λάφυγμα, Προντένια) Damage The young larvae feed on the leaves. They usually eat the back surface of the leaves, but may also destroy the entire leaf

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Wireworms larvae usually live on dead organic matter, but can attack many crops, such as cereals, carrots, beets, potatoes. Scientific name: Agriotes lineatus, ElateridaeGreek name: Σιδηροσκούληκα Damage Eat holes in the seed and seedlings lead to empty plant spots in the field. Eat holes in plant roots result in wilting and killing of plants. In

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March flies

March flies

March flies usually live on dead organic matter, but can infest many crops, such as cereals, beets, potatoes. Scientific name: Bibio hortulanusGreek name: Προνύμφες Bibionidae Damage Eat holes on seed and seedlings lead to empty plant spot in the field. Eat holes on plant roots result in wilting and dying of plants. In beets and

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Cotton bollworm

Cotton bollworm

Cotton bollworm attacks cotton, corn, potatoes, tobacco, vegetables. Scientific name: Helicoverpa armigeraGreek name: Πράσινο Σκουλήκι Damage The young larvae feed on the leaves and then on the bracts, which fall off. The damage is most severe on the boll. On the outside of the affected boll, the entrance hole and the larval excrement can be

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Potato late blight

Potato late blight

Potato late blight attacks the green parts and tubers of potatoes. Scientific name: Phytophthora infestansOther name: late blight, potato blightGreek name: Περονόσπορος της Πατάτας Potato late blight symptoms Potato late blight attacks the green parts and tubers of the potato. The infestation starts on the lower leaves, where yellowish, irregularly shaped spots appear. These areas

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Stem nematode damage

Stem nematode

Stem nematode is found on various cultivated and native plants. Scientific name: Ditylenchus dipsaciOther name: The stem and bulb eelworm, Onion bloat (in UK)Greek name: Νηματώδης Στελεχών και Βολβών Damage Affected plants show delayed growth and severe dehiscing. The seedlings at the base show bulb-like lumps and the leaves curl, twist or are completely deformed.

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Root-knot nematode

Root-knot nematode

Root-knot nematode attack tomatoes and other solanaceae plants, cucurbits (mainly from the genus Meloidogyne spp.), leafy vegetables (from the genus Globodera spp., Pratylenchus spp.) Scientific name: Meloidogyne spp., Globodera (Heterodera) rostochiensis, G. schachtii, G. cruciferae, Pratylenchus spp.Greek name: Νηματώδεις Damage In field locations, plants exhibit delayed growth, and on the roots, cysts (Globodera spp.) or

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Spotted snake millipede

Spotted snake millipede

Spotted snake millipede generally live on dead organic matter. However, some species, including notably Blaniulus guttulatus, also attack cultivated plants, mainly beetroots and potatoes. Scientific name: Blaniulus guttulatusGreek name: Μυριάποδα – Μπλανίουλος Damage In the field or the garden, you spot empty plant positions. Young plants wilt and die. Below ground seeds or seedlings may

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Zambrus mainly attacks potatoes, but also other plants of the Solanaceae family (e.g. tomatoes). It also attacks wheat and rye, but is also found on other cereals and other grasses. Scientific name: Zabrus tenebrioidesGreek name: Ζάμπρος Damage The insects, especially the larvae eat the leaves of cereals. Later, the adults (beetles) feed on the spikes

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Potato aphids

Potato aphids

Potato aphids attack potatoes and many other crops. It is observed that they complete their biological cycle in different hosts. They are usually found on the lower surface of the leaf, where they form colonies. Scientific name: Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aphis nasturtii, A. frangulaeGreek name: Αφίδες πατάτας Damage Potato Aphids are usually found on

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