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Tomato leaf mold

Tomato leaf mold

Tomato leaf mold is met more often in the greenhouse and even more so in the winter months. The lower leaves are affected first, where irregular chlorotic (yellow-green) spots appear.

Scientific name: Mycorellosiella fulva (syn. Fulvia fulva, syn. Cladosporium fulvum)
Other name: Leaf mold
Greek name: Κλαδοσπορίωση Ντομάτας


The lower leaves are affected first, where irregular chlorotic (yellowish-green) spots appear. The brown discoloration of the fungus appears on the lower surface. Later the spots turn brownish-yellow, expand, the leaves twist, wither and in severely affected conditions fall off. Rarely, flowers or tomato fruits may be affected.

Pathogen – Growth conditions

The disease is caused by the worm Mycorellosiella fulva. It infects from the leaf stomata and grows in the tissues, preferentially in the spongy midrib. The conidia (spores) of the fungus germinate when they come into contact with the leaf surface. Infection and development of the disease is favored by humidity and relatively high temperatures (around 20 °C). In the early stages of infestation the disease is not easily detected.


Tomato leaf mold can best be controlled by the use of resistant varieties. One of the most effective ways to prevent the disease is to grow the plants in soils with good aeration and good drainage. Also the use of pathogen-free seed is very important. Rotation of crops for at least three years with plants other than cucurbit crops is recommended.

Furthermore, protective fungicides are recommended, such as:
Antracol 65 WP (active substance: Propineb 65% WP)


Tomato Problem Solver
Cladosporium fulvum (syn. Passalora fulva), a highly specialized plant pathogen as a model for functional studies on plant pathogenic Mycosphaerellaceae
Management of tomato leaf mould caused by Cladosporium fulvum with trifloxystrobin


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