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Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies in tomatoes

Συμπτώματα Έλλειψης Θρεπτικών Συστατικών σε Ντομάτες

The information on the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies in tomatoes (trophic deficiencies) comes from “The Diagnosis of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants by Visual Symptoms” by Thomas Wallace, M.C., D.Sc., A.I.C., published in 1943.

I found this source from the blog “The Perdic Cafe”, looking for why my tomatoes are opening this year.

I have planted tomatoes in two places. In the first part everything is fine. The plants are green, strong and healthy. In the second part, the plants are weak. The tomatoes crack open (their skins are torn) when they start to ripen.

So I present to you, symptoms of nutrient deficiencies in tomatoes. I hope they will help you. Any comments are welcome.

Tomato – Nitrogen deficiency

Symptoms on the plant.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Αζώτου

Weak growth. Thin plant. Grows upwards. Rigid stems and stalks. Leaves are faded green. Occasional purple spots appear. Older leaves turn yellow.

Tomato – Phosphorus deficiency

Symptoms on the plant.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Φωσφόρου

Weak growth. Thin plant. Leaves wilt, twist backwards and develop intense spots of light purple.

Tomato – Calcium deficiency

Symptoms on stems.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Ασβεστίου

The young tips of the plant die. Tomato stems begin to dry out starting from the tips. The leaves die, starting with the new leaves and shoots that are fertile and contain flowers.

Tomato – Calcium deficiency

Symptoms in the Dickey – Zygote

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Ασβεστίου - 02

Drying out of the extreme leaves and flowers. The leaves take on reddish-brown hues.

Tomato – Calcium deficiency

Symptoms in the Dickey – Zygma – Zygkton. Dry or black top of fruit (Blossom End Rot).

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Ασβεστίου - 03

Drying out of the reticules. Blossom End Rot (Blossom End Rot) appears on the outermost fruits.

Tomato – Magnesium deficiency

Symptoms on the leaves.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Μαγνησίου

Central chlorosis and green bands on the leaf tips.

Tomato – Magnesium deficiency

Symptoms in the dicot.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Μαγνησίου - 02

Central chlorosis and necrosis of leaves. Fruits (tomatoes) show “green backs”.

Tomato – Magnesium deficiency

Symptoms on the plant.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Μαγνησίου - 03

Appearance in greenhouses. Central chlorosis and necrosis of leaves.

Tomato – Potassium deficiency

Symptoms on the leaves.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Καλίου

Slight peripheral and internal chlorosis on new leaves followed by peripheral brown scorching. The ‘scorched’ edges of the leaves turn upwards.

Tomato – Potassium deficiency

Symptoms on the fruit.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Καλίου - 02

Blotchy Ripening on the fruit of tomatoes. Green and yellow areas (mosaic-like) appear on the surface of the red fruit.

Tomato – Tomato Mosaic Disease

Symptoms on the fruit – Tomato Mosaic.

Ντομάτα - Ασθένεια Μωσαϊκό Τομάτας

Patchy uneven ripening, similar symptoms to Blotchy Ripening due to potassium deficiency, but the areas of mosaic are more clearly defined.

Tomato – Iron deficiency

Symptoms on the leaves.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Σιδήρου

Leaf tips are affected. In particular the main areas of the small leaves. Strong chlorotic tinge. The stems near the tips are also yellow.

Tomato – Magnesium deficiency

Symptoms on the leaves.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Μαγνησίου

Chlorotic shades spread over the entire surface of the leaves. Spotted areas become dead.

Tomato – Manganese toxicity (acid soil – complex issue)

Symptoms on the branches.

Ντομάτα - Τοξικότητα Μαγγανίου

Stems and stems, especially the joint areas, show necrotic lesions. Leaves wilt and droop.

Tomato – Boron deficiency

Symptoms on the branches.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Βορίου

The stems become stiff. New flowers die and growth is reduced. Side branches grow, preventing the plant from growing taller. The leaves become intensely purple, brown and yellow.

Tomato – Boron deficiency

Symptoms on the fruits.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Βορίου - 02

Tomato fruits are seedless and have a corky texture. The ripening is not uniform.

Tomato – Molybdenum deficiency

Symptoms on the plant.

Ντομάτα - Έλλειψη Μολυβδενίου

The leaves are somewhat chlorotic. Intense leaf rotation. Leaves dry out from the edges.


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