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Works in February in my garden

Works in February in my garden

I describe important work in February in my garden, in Greece. February is an active month in the garden as I prepare for Spring which is coming in a few days.

How quickly has this winter gone by too? We are already into the last month of it. There is no more time to put off garden work.

Pruning Vines

I pruned the vines. I did some rigorous pruning. Because the vines in my garden are old, I left only the branches that were young (last year’s branches). This way the vine will rejuvenate.

The price to pay is that it will have a smaller production this year. The upside is that it will get stronger so that next year it will be stronger and healthier.

I also removed the dead branches. That way I’m reducing the trouble spots.

You might want to read some additional information about pruning the vine.

Weeds – Digging – Fertilizing

The garden was overgrown with weeds. The whole estate was filled with weeds. The place turned green.

I am happy to see the weeds growing and taking over the place. That means the soil is healthy and alive. But at the same time they are a big nuisance.

One interesting thing about weeds is that they act as a kind of indicators of soil quality.

I cleared the weeds around all the vines with the hoe.

I dug around all the vines.

Digging the garden is a very good exercise! The secret to not getting tired quickly is to take it easy on all the chores. Don’t get stressed out.

Besides, gardening should act as a stress reliever. Not to stress us out!


I poured manure and fertilizer around the trees and vines.

I dug deep with the hoe and turned the soil.

I poured manure so it went deep and then covered it with the soil.

Remember that you put the manure around the perimeter of the tree root and never near it. Expect to put it in a radius of at least half a meter around the root.

Humuso λίπασμα 12-12-12

On the trees that I did not apply manure, I added granular fertilizer 12-12-12 Humuso.

Tip: As a reminder, before applying fertilizer or manure, we need to make sure our trees are well watered. The tip is to have them well watered the day before.

Tree pruning

I pruned all the branches of the trees that were growing inwards.

By removing the branches that grow towards the inside of the trees, we allow sunlight to reach all the leaves.

We thus have a healthy and strong tree


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