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Ideas to leverage the Internet a nursery, horticultural shop, garden centre

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Ideas on how nurseries, horticultural shops and garden centres can use the Internet to increase their clientele and sales.

Nurseries, horticultural shops and garden centres are special cases of businesses. Because they sell a living and sensitive product such as plants and trees. Usually in close proximity to the store. And they have peak sales at certain times of the year.

A significant percentage of their owners, while being creative, special and sensitive people, are not willing to take the next step and change the way they have been taught to behave so far. That is, to fill their shop with products (plants, trees, agrofood, pots, medicines, fertilizers, soil, etc.) and wait for the customer to come and discover and buy them.

Based on personal experiences, I wrote this article with love and interest.

So let’s see how they can make use of the Internet without much effort, taking advantage of the tools and possibilities that exist.

The secret of success is…

What you will read next is technical, requires method and organization.

It is not unique knowledge that few possess. It is a common secret.

But the secret to their success is to love what you do and be happy when you do it.

Rejoice when you help your clients.

Have as much fun as possible, yourself!

Informing customers

Informing existing customers about new products or the arrival of new batches of plants and trees is very important.

The fact that someone likes to work on their garden means that they are NOT only working on it, but HAVE OTHER things on their mind, is a realization that can be very helpful.

Without the Internet, the only way a customer can find out what new things we have to offer is to simply walk outside our shop, stop and walk in.

But with the Internet, the possibilities we have are so many to increase traffic and sales.

Why shouldn’t we go to the customer over the Internet, instead of waiting for them to come to us?

  • Remind him of our existence with useful advice.
  • Let him know about the plants, trees and products we have.
  • To give him the opportunity to see them online.
  • To order them online.

We use: website, online shop, advertising in Intermet, newsletter, telephone.

Collection of customer data

In a polite way, you can ask your customers to give you their contact details. E.g. email and phone.

Let them know that you will use them to let them know about new products, plants, trees that interest them.

You can then leverage the phone numbers and emails to keep your customers informed.

And guess who they will buy from? From the ones who informed them!

We leverage: newsletter, phone.

Find out the needs of customers

We talk to our customers. We learn what they are interested in. What gardens they have.

And as if you’re a luxury hotel, you take note of what each person likes and is interested in so you can give them what they want first.

This is a successful formula that always works. Because it makes each and every one of us feel important. To be happy that someone cares about him and knows what he wants.

We use: newsletter, telephone.

Keep in touch and keep informed, because we are all looking for responsible information

“Eyes unseen, quickly forgotten”.

To prevent this from happening to you, you need to keep in touch with your customers. Keep them informed.

Provide them with media and keep in touch with them.

Tell them what they can find at the nursery, nursery store or garden center.

We use: website, online shop, newsletter, social media, Internet advertising, telephone

Utilize Social Media (Social Media)

Social media (Facebook. Instagram, Pinterest, etc) is a huge area for finding and keeping customers.

Try to have active participation.

But be happy when you do. Don’t be a chore and especially a methodical attempt to sell. People understand this and walk away.

Social media posts should bring joy to you first.

This is how you will create the positive atmosphere around your business.

Leverage: Social Media, website, online store.

Publications on specialized sites

You can leverage niche sites to promote your business.

Publish articles.

Provide answers in their forums, participate in discussions.

The advantage these sites have is that they bring together an audience that is already interested in the plants, trees and products you sell. Promoting on them will have the maximum return in terms of awareness.

One such website is kalliergo.gr.

Patience, Love and Method

Patience because success will not come quickly, but it will be great and long lasting.

Love for what you do. People will appreciate it and will follow you.

Method to make good use of the tools that technology gives you.

Create a Team

No one can do everything alone no matter how well they know it.

It’s hard to imagine the manager of a nursery, grow shop, garden center answering the phones, sending out orders, making social media posts, managing the website, updating the online store, taking care of the plants in the nursery, shipping orders, keeping up to date on developments, and so much more!

In order for him to run the business (regardless of whether he knows how to do it all himself), he needs to build a team of people around him. He can start with an outside partner or his/her partner and then expand.

You can visit us at altermarket.com.

The secret to success in developing a nursery, garden center, agricultural store

The secret to success in growing a nursery, garden center, agricultural store is:

  • Love and concern for fellow man
  • Having a good time yourself
  • Love what you do
  • Build a Team
  • Use the tools
  • Good partners
  • Patience and method


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