Home » Garden Tools and Services » I build a unique scarecrow having the shape of a bird to protect vegetables in the garden

I build a unique scarecrow having the shape of a bird to protect vegetables in the garden

scarecrow, bird shaped

As the first tomatoes began to ripen for this year, I encountered a particular problem. Birds were tasting them before I did. I found the tomatoes blushing, pecked by birds. So I made an original scarecrow in the shape of a bird.

the bird-shaped scarecrow

To deal with the problem, I came up with the following solution:
I build a scarecrow in the shape of a large black bird.

The scarecrow was made from old pieces of wood cut with a saw.

It consists of 4 pieces:

  • Body
  • Right Wing
  • Left Wing
  • Tail

The width of its wings is about 1 meter. It should look big and menacing!

a bird-shaped scarecrow protects the vegetables

After construction and assembly, it was painted black.

The color of the beak was given with a piece of yellow paper glued around the “beak”.

The structure was hung in the middle of the garden, using a simple gamma-shaped construction. The bird was hung from its base with the help of a thin wire so that it could swing with the help of wind and look alive.

The coming days will test the effectiveness of this bird-shaped scarecrow. I will keep you informed.


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