Home » People » ET the Alien and Garden?- When you love your job and have a sense of humour in Greece

ET the Alien and Garden?- When you love your job and have a sense of humour in Greece

ET Ο Εξωγήινος με μασκα και γαντια

On a walk in Nea Smyrni, Greece, passing outside the store Figures World, I met dear ET the alien, reminding us to use mask and gloves in a very sweet and effortless way. Remember this is the Covid virus time, all over the world.

I don’t usually do this, but I stopped and took a picture, maybe two.

Aside from the first smile, and the fact that it really put me in a good mood, what I admired was…

What I admired was what a shopkeeper can do when he loves his job, his subject and has a sense of humor, even bad times with Covid quarantine.

It really creates a positive aura around his personality.

Customers stop by. He doesn’t have to call them inside the store. They walk in on their own.

He doesn’t need to advertise. Other people advertise it for him for free.

What’s the alien ET got to do with the garden?

And what does this have to do with the garden you may ask?

Seemingly none. Maybe none.

What I saw was the same love, passion, good humour and why not humour, in those who love the land, communicate with it by cultivating it, respect it and see much more in every aspect of it than the “serious” people see.

Like the shop owner, we dare not to be serious and pass on more messages with our actions.

The people of the garden, they also see with a third eye…

Figures World

Figures World Νέα Σμύρνη

The Figures World store website is https://figuresworld.myshopify.com/
(I’m sure many people like it because they’ve been at this post for years)

And for those who are not familiar with Steven Spielberg’s film“E.T. the Extra Terrestial“, it’s worth learning more about it, at:
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) – IMDB

Note: I have no professional affiliation, or other connection, with Figures World.


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