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Nettle tea for stronger plants

Nettle tea to strengthen plants

The nettle tea acts as a revitalizing agent for plants that have been affected by drought.

It also makes plants stronger and more resistant to any future infestations.

If you water the plant with it, you add nitrogen to the soil.


  • 1 part nettle leaves and stems
  • 10 parts water
  • Piece of cloth or tulle

How to prepare this nettle tea

In a container (wooden or plastic) pour 1 part fresh nettle parts and 10 parts water. If for example you use 500 grams of nettle leaves and stems, you need to pour 5 liters of water. Stir so that the water covers the nettle. Leave the mixture for 14 days, stirring every day.

Strain the mixture and use it immediately or store it in a cool place for later use.

How to use

Dilute the extract before use.

Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3 to 1:5. The more tender the plants, the greater the dilution.

Spray the plants.


It is recommended to use 2 species of nettles: Common nettle (Urtica doica) and Annual nettle (Urtica urens).

If these two species are not available, we can also use the Roman nettle (Urtica pilulifera).

For pictures of these nettle plants see the article: Nettle tea against aphids on plants.

There are some organic growers who manage to have healthy plants without any spraying other than this nettle tea and that is something to strive for.

Nettle tea from common nettle (Urtica doica) leaves and stems has long been used as a stimulant in horticulture. A variety of effects of nettle tea on plants had been observed from practical experience: growth increased, leaves were dark green in color and resistance to pests especially aphids (Arman 1973 Dlachy 1981). Whether all the observations of the nettle tea results on plants are positive, is an open question however.


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